When the Spark Fades…
On 23 november 2024 by blogg.kimolofsson.seThe Journey Towards a Magical Life
Some days, you know… those days when everything seems to go wrong, and all you want to do is go back to sleep. Unfortunately, these days will keep coming, no matter how good your life is, no matter how much you train your optimistic mind, you will most likely encounter days when the spark in your mind is extinguished.
And it is at these times that tools like breathing exercises, yoga, and mood-altering practices are gold. Did you know that a breathing exercise with two inhales and one longer exhale can completely change your chemical balance and bring peace and tranquility to your mind and body? A simple sun salutation with a focus on deep breathing awakens a sleepy mind, and moving meditation like tai chi can take you from insecure to confident.
Looking at life in general, I find about as many actions that bring positivity to our lives as negativity. So how is it that the suicide rate is the highest ever, while welfare and comfort are at their peak? I think we can all answer this question, but life is not just black or white, and there are far more colors in the universe than our senses can perceive.
Daily, I train my mind and body to spread joy, love, and hope for myself and those around me, but despite this, I am struck from time to time by days when my spark is extinguished. And lately, I have become better and better at accepting that it’s okay. And at the same time, having the confidence in myself to know that this state is just that, a state, a temporary existence. It doesn’t have to be a part of me, just as a thought is not a permanent part of you until you act on it. So if I choose to act creatively, I will get out of this state and experience the magic that life has to offer again.
If I then choose to learn to understand the depth of why I have been in this state, I will be able to heal so that I don’t end up in this inhibiting state of being for the same reason in the future.
But one thing is certain. If I start digging deeper while I am imbalanced, while my mind is open to negative vibrations and I am like a broken radio blaring out noise, then my search for wisdom will likely only lead to more frustration, sadness, and despair.
A Guiding Hand:
Many times it can help tremendously to get help from a therapist, a guru, a guide, or a partner, but unfortunately, it is not always possible. At those times, it can be vital for you to be your own therapist or coach.
Creating a template for yourself with tools that can help you break the unwanted state is one of the warmest pieces of advice I can give, and I wish I had done it myself a long time ago. Some of those tools can be:
- Pictures or movies that make you feel good.
- Scented candles or music.
- Movement meditation or yoga.
- Meditation techniques or breathing exercises.
- Exercise or hiking.
- Social interaction.
- Going out into nature, preferably near moving water, affects your body and changes your chemical balance and thus your emotions.
These are just a few of the things that will be able to help you break a destructive state.
And if you would like more specific advice, you are most welcome to send me a message.
Remember that you are stronger than you think and that in the fires of your mind you forge the key to your dreams!
Take care of yourself and live a magical life!
Warm hugs // Kim
Kim Olofsson
Coach & Föreläsare
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